As a client, we guarantee you will go out on dates. You will receive profiles of women who have already agreed to meet you. Real dates. In person. Then you see if there is chemistry.
Matchmaker May personally selects the matches after meeting you and finding out who you are seeking.
Matchmaker May selects the time and place, makes reservations, and is your dating concierge.
Your profile is for the eyes of our matchmaker only. It’s discreet.
Matchmaker May loves what she does and has been successfully matching clients since 2009.1. GET TO KNOW YOU: phone call, Zoom video call, or Facetime. We’ll answer any questions you may have and give you details about our process. We get to know you, learn who you’re seeking, uncover your relationship goals, interests, and key life values.
2. GET PROFILE OF THE HAND-SELECTED WOMAN WHO WANTS TO MEET YOU: After you register and get photos with our in-house photographer, we interview the woman and if she wants to meet you, we present her profile and photos to you.
3. FIND OUT IF THERE IS CHEMISTRY: We set up the date. The best way to see if you’re a match is to meet in person, see if there is chemistry.
4. GO OUT, FLIRT, AND HAVE FUN: Enjoy your date, then give us your feedback, likes, dislikes, and anything else that might be useful to fine tune the search for your next match.
Men Get Started Here
Women Get Started Here

A Professional Certified Matchmaker can help.

We get you the dates. You work on the chemistry.

Leave the work to us. It’s all private and confidential.

We save you time.

There are singles everywhere. Let us recruit for you.
“Matchmaking services with a professional touch. I am so busy with work, I just don’t have time to do online dating. After a long day at work, the last thing I want to do is log on and write emails to women. Instead, I told May who I was looking for and she does the work for me. I check my email inbox, let her know who I want to meet and the date is all set up. It saves me time and stress. There is no way I would do online dating again! ~Paul, 44, CEO, Los Angeles