Spring is here! Exciting for longer days, warmer temperatures, and greenery. How are you going to hit the refresh button on your love life?
3 Things You Must Do for Relationship Spring Cleaning

Your attitude should be as positive and fresh as what spring brings. Get rid of your old relationships, because they will not serve you. They’re taking up your valuable time and energy in your space. Make a decision right now that you are ready for someone new in your life. You will make the time. That will be your new mantra. Thank the previous relationships and partnerships that didn’t work out and that they will only get you closer to the one that will work. Your future awaits! - TAKE CARE OF YOU
What you need while you’re single is time to yourself. Explore things that you’ve always wanted to explore. Learn a new hobby. Finish a project you started. Re-connect with girl friends you miss. When you start working on yourself, you will give off the energy that you’re confident and comfortable being you. That is when you will attract a new relationship into your life. You need to feel better to find a new relationship. The more you give to yourself, the more you’ll attract a man who wants to continue adding to your growth and happiness. You’ll never regret the time you spent on self-exploration. Self-care is so important! - PURPOSEFUL PAUSE ON YOUR LOVE LIFE
Take some time off in your search. Put a pause on your online membership or searching for the one. You can purposely take 90 days off from this side job of looking for someone. Focus on you instead. Working at your love life can feel like a second job. So, take a break.
There you have it. Reset YOU. Take a break. Enjoy the warm weather.
Recharge YOU.